Greenhouse using double-glazed windows is applicable not just in regions with cold climate, but also in other suburban zones for prolonging the length of fruit-bearing of submerged plants or year-round use.

The Benefits of such glazing are all undoubted:

  • Outstanding thermal insulation will protect crops from early frosts.
  • Dual glass averts sunburn on the leaves.
  • Tight structure reduces heat loss when warming the greenhouse, and consequently saves electricity.
  • Packages won’t suffer from strong winds, rain or hail.
  • The service lifetime of glazing together with proper treatment is over a couple of years.
  • The aesthetic look of glazing allows you not to conceal the greenhouse from the backyard, and install it even in the front lawn. Some owners of first shape greenhouses make them the most important decoration of their lawn or garden.

Moreover, manufacturers provide double-glazed windows with a set of essential functions, such as special coatings for heating and energy conserving , protection against mechanical impacts and reduced temperatures, in addition to soundproofing.

System of auto-ventilation of greenhouses.

  • Double-glazed windows may be with specific vents for ventilation, which are outfitted with devices with the function of automatic opening. This is very convenient, because not always the owners have the chance to ventilate the greenhouse in time. By way of instance, the French have been using only such greenhouses as the late 16th century to the present day. Rest assured: that a glass will be your servant for a long time to come.
  • Glass doesn’t keep UV rays, which are crucial for rapid plant growth and fruit ripening, hence letting you make the most of the energy of sunlight.
  • If you use laminated or tempered (thermal) glass, this structure could withstand the most adverse conditions (precipitation in the form of large hail, intense heat and also strong frost won’t be a problem with the structure ). Additionally, there is a chance to install heating apparatus inside them.

Of course, the glass also has disadvantages, which needs to be taken into account when constructing it.

How to build a greenhouse from yourself

On a bright day, the translucent coating of greenhouses allows short-wave solar radiation. It is absorbed by black surfaces (soil, plants, equipment ), turns right into long-wave radiation and remains within the structure. This transformation happens with the release of heat, which produces a greenhouse effect inside the greenhouse.

Therefore, glass windows perfectly allow the sun’s rays in the space and almost completely keep the rear radiation, not permitting it to venture out. To put it differently, unlike movie, glass has become the most heat-saving material, which is one of the chief attributes of a good greenhouse.