At the Academy Awards, there were also two trophies for the cartoon “Up” (above): It was voted the best animated film by the members of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences and awarded for the best original music. Source:, dpa ” “” “After the crime, the police pounced on the would-be assassin. (Photo: REUTERS) There was no peace in Cannes: after the spectacular theft of jewels, a 42-year-old caused panic at a film festival event with shots from a blank pistol.

He thanked director Quentin Tarantino: “You gave me my vocation back!” As the best actress, the French Charlotte Gainsbourg was pleased about the recognition of her tough role in Lars von Trier’s “Antichrist”. The jury’s grand prize went to the French Jacques Audiard for the prison drama “Un Prophète”. The jury’s prize is shared equally between the British Andrea Arnold “Fish Tank” and the South Korean Park Chan-wook (“Thirst” / Durst). After the award ceremony, the film “Coco Chanel and Igor Stravinsky” about the relationship between the fashion designer and the composer was shown at the end of the festival. A total of 20 films were shown in the competition for the Palme d’Or in Cannes this year. Many of them featured extensive depictions of sex and violence.

There was a little less glamor on display on the red carpet, only a few superstars showed up to the fans. The international financial and economic crisis was clearly felt at the festival on the Côte d’Azur: the organizers did not publish any specific figures, but trade journals estimated that the number of industry participants in the international film market in particular had fallen by at least a quarter compared to the extremely well-attended year 2008. Despite the arrival of Bill Clinton, only fewer came to benefit events such as the traditional gala in support of American AIDS relief than half of the total as last year. Source:, dpa “Christoph Waltz is” shocked. So if I talk stupid, forgive me. “(Photo: REUTERS) Austrian actor Christoph Waltz receives the Oscar for his role in Quentin Tarantino’s Nazi satire” Inglourious Basterds “. The race for the best film and the best director wins a woman: US director Kathryn Bigelow beats her ex James Cameron with her Iraq war drama “The Hurt Locker”. “This is the moment of my life,” says Bigelow when accepting the award. (Photo: REUTERS) Sensation The 82nd Academy Awards: US director Kathryn Bigelow was the first woman to win the directorial Oscar for her Iraq war drama “The Hurt Locker.” The small independent production was also named best film and stood out in both categories the Hollywood blockbuster “Avatar” by James Cameron.

“The Hurt Locker” won a total of six Oscars, “Avatar” won three trophies – both were nominated nine times. The German hopes for Oscar honors were disappointed: The film “The White Ribbon” by director Michael Haneke, nominated in two categories, came away empty-handed.biology essay service reviews Bigelow outperformed her ex, Canadian-born director James Cameron. (Photo: dpa) That The race between “The Hurt Locker” and “Avatar” was the one between David and Goliath: “Avatar” cost $ 500 million and grossed $ 2.5 billion – it’s the most successful film in history; “The Hurt Locker”, on the other hand, cost just $ 15 million and wasn’t a huge hit at the box office, but it landed a direct hit with the critics – and made history. A woman was nominated for best director only three times before: Sofia Coppola with “Lost in Translation” (2003), Jane Campion with “Das Piano” (1993) and Lina Wertmüller with “Sieben Schönheiten” (1975). Bigelow, 58, became the first woman to win, outpacing her ex-husband Cameron. He had won eleven Oscars with “Titanic” in 1998, this time with three statues for camera work, equipment and special effects. As a German contribution, “The White Ribbon” was in the race for the Oscar for “best non-English language film” with many advance praise ” went.

The trophy was won by the thriller “El Secreto de Sus Ojos” (The Secret of Your Eyes) from Argentina. “The White Ribbon” was also left empty-handed in the category of best camera work. With his impressively hypnotic black-and-white images, cameraman Christian Berg succumbed to the indulgent imagery of “Avatar” captured by his colleague Mauro Fiore. However, with the first Oscar of the evening there was also a small success for Germany: The Austrian Christoph Waltz received the Oscar for best supporting actor for his role in the Studio Babelsberg production “Inglourious Basterds” by Quentin Tarantino. “This is over-bingo,” said Waltz, visibly moved, his voice choked with tears. “I will never be able to thank you enough.

But I can start now. “The 53-year-old was considered a favorite: He had already received a Golden Palm from Cannes and a Golden Globe for his portrayal of the cynical SS officer. He was in the Oscar list of the best leading actors Jeff Bridges and Sandra Bullock joined in for the first time. The 60-year-old Bridges received the golden statue for his role as the worn-out country singer in the film “Crazy Heart.” Bridges, who has been nominated for the fifth time, was overwhelmed and said thank you profusely .

Bullock paid tribute to her competitors individually – including Helen Mirren and Meryl Streep – and thanked them with many tears. The 45-year-old received an Oscar for portraying an upper-class mother who takes a homeless, black boy into her family and turns him into a professional football player. Only the night before she had received the “Golden Raspberry” award for worst actress for her portrayal as a pushy lover in the comedy “Crazy About Steve”. Best supporting actress was the black US actress Mo’Nique for her role as a violent mother in the Social drama “Precious – Life is Precious”.

Previously, “Precious” author Geoffrey Fletcher had already been honored for the best adapted screenplay; the film is based on the novel “Push” by Sapphire. At the 82nd Academy Awards, there were also two trophies for the cartoon “Up” (above): It was voted best animated film by members of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences and awarded for best original music. Source: ntv. de, dpa “” “” Police officers rush to the future assassin after the crime. (Photo: REUTERS) There is no peace in Cannes: After the spectacular theft of jewels, a 42-year-old caused panic at an event with shots from a blank gun of the film festival. Jury member Christoph Waltz was one of the refugees. After shots from a blank gun, a television stage was evacuated at the Cannes Film Festival on Friday evening.

Numerous guests fled the stage on the splendid Croisette boulevard, including the two festival jury members Christoph Waltz and the Frenchman Daniel Auteuil. A 42-year-old man who fired the two shots was arrested, said an official. No one was injured and the man was reportedly carrying a dummy grenade and a jackknife. When someone from the security forces shouted “grenade”, panic broke out, an AFP photographer said. The show was then interrupted.

When he was arrested, the man shouted: “I am doing this in the name of my God.” Pictures from the TV channel Canal plus showed how police officers pushed the man to the ground. After a short break, the broadcast of the “Grand Journal” continued with Waltz and Auteil. The two were guests on the show. The television station regularly broadcasts the “Grand Journal” from Cannes during the film festival. The incident occurred just one day after jewel thieves landed a spectacular coup: On Friday night, jewelry from the luxury goods manufacturer Chopard was stolen from a hotel room in the southern French Mediterranean town.

The company contradicted reports that they were worth millions. The victim of the theft was therefore a Chopard employee who was stolen from her hotel room in her absence. The manufactory has been an official partner of the film festival for many years: Julianne Moore, Lana Del Rey and Cindy Crawford wore jewelry from the traditional Swiss company from the very first days.

It was initially unclear whether an equivalent replacement was organized at short notice. After the first investigation by the police, the perpetrator (s) had gained access to the hotel room rented by a Chopard employee early on Friday morning. Obviously undisturbed, they were able to remove the safe and move it away. The theft attracted particular attention because Chopard not only provided jewelry for the stars, but also the “Palme d’Or” film award. The trophy made of 118 grams of gold, which cost more than 20,000 euros, is said to have not been in the safe.

At the end of the festival on the weekend in one week, it will be handed over to the maker of the best competition film. Source:, jve / AFP “” Oscar winner Christoph Waltz is not offered any acceptable roles in Germany. The Austrian is in Hollywood also an ambassador for the German language, as he demonstrated in his recent appearance on the “Tonight Show” with presenter Jimmy Fallon. But just see and hear for yourself: Source: “Scene from” The Legend of Tarzan “. (Photo: AP) He has twice won the Oscar and was a James Bond villain: Christoph Waltz. But not only that , He is also a Londoner by choice. And as such, he has a clear opinion on Brexit. Incidentally, Waltz expressed himself while he was presenting his new film “The Legend of Tarzan”. Source: “The first 3D film the I saw in the cinema, was this spectacle by David Cameron, what was his name? “Avatar”! Correct.

I was rather bored, of course the pictures were somehow good, but the story was pretty boring. I have never seen a 3D movie since then. And now an Austrian has summed up my opinion so well that I want to reproduce it here. However, Waltz himself has also played in a 3D film, in “The Three Musketeers”. What do you think of such effects?

Vote! Source: “In January 2011 ThyssenKrupp gets a new boss. Ekkehard Schulz’s successor at Germany’s largest steel company is to be taken over by a Siemens manager. A successor for ThyssenKrupp boss Ekkehard Schulz has been found. (Photo: REUTERS) Siemens manager Heinrich Hiesinger is to become the new head of the largest German steel group ThyssenKrupp. The 49-year-old should be proposed to the supervisory board at its meeting on May 12 as the successor to Ekkehard Schulz, the company said.

Hiesinger is to join the Executive Board of ThyssenKrupp in October and take over the chief position in January 2011. Hiesinger has been a member of the Executive Board of Siemens AG since 2007 and was most recently responsible for the industrial division. The decision for him was likely to have been largely driven by ThyssenKrupp supervisory board chairman Gerhard Cromme, who also chairs the supervisory body at Siemens. He decided against the Crown Prince traded ThyssenKrupp managers Edwin Eichler, Alan Hippe and Olaf Berlien. With the departure of Schulz – also known as “Eiserner Ecki” – an era at ThyssenKrupp ends. The 68-year-old was the sole CEO of ThyssenKrupp in 2001. He had led the conglomerate merged from Thyssen and Krupp in 1999, which in addition to steel production also builds submarines, machines and systems, to sales and profit records.

Recently, however, he was much less fortunate: orders collapsed in the wake of the economic crisis. In the 2008/09 fiscal year, ThyssenKrupp posted a pre-tax loss of 2.4 billion euros. Heinrich Hiesinger has been a member of the Executive Board of Siemens AG since 2007. (Photo: picture alliance / dpa) Hiesinger is considered to be sociable, but does not shy away from tough cuts. The latest shedding of almost 2000 jobs in the Siemens industrial sector is due to him.

This assertiveness is now also in demand at ThyssenKrupp, as the group has announced that it will cut further jobs after the latest job cuts. Hiesinger also has to get the new steel mills in Brazil and the US on track and find an answer to the skyrocketing raw material costs. The employee representatives have already signaled support for the new one. Hiesinger has an understanding of the industrial business and has shown that he respects co-determination, said the head of the North Rhine-Westphalian IG Metall, Oliver Burkhard.

The union offers the manager “constructive cooperation”. The approval of the employee representatives for Hiesinger’s nomination at the supervisory board meeting on May 12 is therefore considered certain. Hiesinger’s move to the top of Thyssenkrupp will result in new appointments to the executive board at Siemens. Siemens announced that the executive committee had proposed the previous Siemens HR director Siegfried Russwurm as Hiesinger’s successor to head the industrial sector. The new task is to be transferred to Russwurm with effect from July 1st.

At the same time, the head of Siemens Austria, Brigitte Ederer, is to be appointed to the executive board and appointed as the new head of human resources and labor director of the group. Ederer would be the second woman in the top management of the group alongside Barbara Kux, who is responsible for purchasing. The Siemens supervisory board wants to deal with the personnel changes in an extraordinary meeting on June 9th. Source:, rts / dpa “” ThyssenKrupp AG expects a slump in profits in the first quarter of the current fiscal year. With earnings before taxes of around EUR 700 million, the largest German steel group remained, as expected, below the result of the same quarter of the previous year, the Duisburg-based company announced on Friday. In the first quarter of the previous year ThyssenKrupp still had earnings before taxes (EBT) of 1.062 billion.

Euros posted. The group reported its fifth record profit in a row in the past financial year. However, ThyssenKrupp has set the bar lower for the current year. Corresponding forecasts were confirmed on Friday, with analysts anticipating a decline in pre-tax earnings to EUR 677 million due to the recently weak stainless steel business.

Out of euros. In the same period of the previous year, the stainless steel division posted earnings before taxes of EUR 325 million. However, the falling nickel price and falling demand subsequently caused a slowdown. “The prior-year quarter was strongly driven by extraordinarily high demand and very high base prices for stainless steel, which will not apply to the Stainless and Services segments in this quarter,” explained ThyssenKrupp. The group initially did not provide any figures for the individual divisions.

The complete quarterly report is due on 13.