Every two years, WorldSkills holds an international professional skill competition

He emphasized that the experience of conducting the Great Ethnographic Dictation indicates the high interest of the population in the traditions and culture of the peoples of Russia. The central platform for the dictation will be Pashkov’s house on Vozdvizhenka, where the Russian State Library is located. The leadership of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation, representatives of the Government of the Russian Federation, deputies of the State Duma, as well as public figures and artists will test their knowledge of the peoples of Russia.

More than 2 thousand sites are open on the territory of Russia; you can also answer the dictation questions online. 

The big ethnographic dictation consists of 30 test questions, of which 20 are the same for the whole of Russia and neighboring countries, and 10 are compiled taking into account regional specifics. Dictation takes 45 minutes. The results of the action will be announced by the Constitution Day of the Russian Federation on December 12.

More than 70 thousand ninth-graders from schools near Moscow will write a regional diagnostic work in mathematics on October 25, reports AGN “Moscow” with reference to the press service of the first deputy chairman of the government of the Moscow region – Minister of Education of the Moscow region Olga Zabralova.

The work consists of 17 tasks of the basic level and three tasks of an increased level of complexity. The two parts have 90 minutes to complete.

“Regional diagnostic work is included in the Unified System for Assessing the Quality of Education in the Moscow Region. This is a completely independent testing available to anyone with access to the School Portal. Carrying out diagnostic work allows us to identify the objective level of knowledge of our students. A little less than a month ago, pupils of the fifth and seventh grades wrote this work, “Olga Zabralova noted.

The results of the diagnostic work will be known no later than October 31st.

The Moscow City Duma has proposed introducing systematic lessons on healthy eating and lifestyle into schools, according to the Moscow City News Agency. 

This proposal was made by Lyudmila Stebenkova, Chairperson of the Moscow Parliament’s Commission on Health and Public Health.

“The experience of Canada in conducting preventive lessons on healthy eating and lifestyle in schools deserves great interest, it would be nice to introduce it into our schools in a systematic manner. We now have such lessons, but they are not of a systemic nature, ”Stebenkova said. 

She recalled similar classes for adults in the capital, but stressed that the project for children should be worked out more carefully. 

“It should be interesting and informal, there should be a good presentation. We have such ideas, we have a project. What we did for the adult population in a healthy lifestyle, we planned to do for children in schools. While it is in the plans, “- said Stebenkova. 

According to the head of the commission, the classes should be conducted by doctors from the prevention department of children’s polyclinics, but for this it is necessary to analyze the available forces and resources.

“Children need to be taught why healthy eating is important. It is necessary to correctly and competently tell. Our children are very smart, they understand everything perfectly, ”Stebenkova said.

In September, Deputy Chairperson of the Federation Council Committee on Agrarian and Food Policy and Environmental Management Irina Gekht and member of the Federation Council Committee on Science, Education and Culture Iraida Tikhonova supported the introduction of school programs on healthy eating.

According to the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the number of obese children in Russia has grown by 12% in four years.

The Minister of Education of the Russian Federation Olga Vasilyeva will meet with activists of the Russian movement of schoolchildren on Monday, the press service of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation reported.

In addition, the head of the department will give interviews to the correspondents of Klassny radio – radio RDS.

“The participants in the meeting will discuss the development of circle movements and the digital future in the education system, share their experience of participating in their own projects,” the message says. 

On October 29, 2015, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on the creation of the All-Russian public-state children’s and youth organization “Russian movement of schoolchildren.”

The organization was created with the aim of “improving the state policy in the field of education of the younger generation, promoting the formation of personality on the basis of the system of values ​​inherent in Russian society.”

The founder is the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs. It will also ensure the representation of the Russian Federation in the organization’s coordinating council. 

Test cosmonaut Sergei Ryazansky became the chairman of the RDS. The first congress of the organization was held at Moscow State University on May 18 and 19, 2016.

The Russian national team won 24 medals in the Eurasian WorldSkills Hi-Tech 2018, according to the press service of WorldSkills Russia.

The award ceremony took place in Yekaterinburg. 

The national team of China received 12 medals, the national team of Belarus – 11 medals, the participants from Kazakhstan won 10 medals, six medals were received by the Indian team and one medal each from the teams of Mongolia and Iran. 

“The first WorldSkills Hi-Tech Championship 5 years ago was five times less: there were five times less competencies, participants, and there was not a single foreign company. Now the championship has become so large-scale that one fifth of them are foreign participants. Such growth has become possible thanks to the participants, experts, organizers of the championship, sponsors, volunteers and everyone who supports us at the level of the country’s leadership, ”said Robert Urazov, General Director of the Union“ Young Professionals (WorldSkills Russia) ”.

The WorldSkills Hi-Tech 2018 championship is organized by the Young Professionals Union (WorldSkills Russia), the Government of the Sverdlovsk Region, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation and the Agency for Strategic Initiatives.

WorldSkills is an international non-profit movement created to enhance the prestige of blue-collar occupations and develop vocational education by harmonizing best practices and professional standards around the world. Every two years, WorldSkills holds an international professional skill competition. RF joined the movement in 2012.

The WorldSkills Competition will be held in Kazan in the summer of 2019.

The Federation Council approved a law introducing a ban on advertising of services for writing dissertations, graduation and other scientific works, RIA Novosti reports. 

The document prohibits advertising of services for the preparation and writing of graduate qualification works, scientific reports on the main results of prepared scientific qualification works, dissertations and other works provided for by the state system of scientific certification or necessary for passing the intermediate or final certification of students.

Earlier, the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev noted that the writing of works by third-party firms is a violation of the law and a reason not to award a qualification degree. In addition, this practice makes it difficult to objectively judge the level of training of young specialists.

The law is of a preventive nature. The entry into force of the ban on advertising of these services will significantly limit their distribution and will help to increase the protection of the results of intellectual activity and the quality of training of students, the legislators note.

The organizing committee of the “Total dictation” action announces the launch of the “Competent miles” project, which will unite educational and cultural events in the field of the Russian language and literature.

“Each participant of the Total Dictation in Moscow, a listener to the Literate Mondays of the Gramota.ru portal, a participant in the Page 19 Reading Aloud Championship among high school students will receive a participant card from which he can accumulate literate miles,” the information release says. 

All active participants will receive special gifts in June.

The action starts with “Literate Monday” at MISiS, where a lecture “Russian phraseology: dictionaries and speech” will be held. 

Russian universities have doubled their presence in world rankings over the past five years, and tenfold in certain subjects, RIA Novosti reports, citing Andrei Volkov, scientific director of the Moscow School of Management Skolkovo, deputy chairman of the council for increasing the competitiveness of leading Russian universities.

“According to our foreign colleagues, not just the Council, Russia has made amazing progress in five years. We are always unhappy, we want more, but Russia has approximately doubled its presence in the top hero essay example rankings in five years, and if we take specific subjects – physics, astronomy, mathematics, then we have stepped from two universities to 20.