Four Tips For Writing Emails That Sell

This is in contrast with social networks that need to engage people first before they’re customers. According to McKinsey & Company, Email marketing is 40 times more effective as compared to social media. The study also says that the speed of purchase is 3 times faster compared to social media. 92% of web users have an email account which means that practically everybody has an email, unlike with social media where not everyone has opened up an account.

Should I Be Sending Email Newsletters?

You can even tweak these emails when sending them out to non-buyers. It’s a good opportunity for you to change and test different elements of your email such as the call-to-action. The point is get the most out your campaign when it has already tasted success. Let’s face it, the last thing you want to be called is a spammer; especially when you’re trying to do legitimate email marketing.

However, the fear of being accused of spam is irrational if you are sending out emails to subscribers who have willingly joined your email list. So do not hesitate to send out regular emails to your list because doing so almost always results in a higher number of sales. Once you know your goals, email type and audience and you’ve attracted people onto your list with targeted optins, it’s time to plan your email marketing campaign. This will give you an overview to use when you start creating the emails in steps #7 through #9. Your email marketing cost will entirely depend on the number of subscribers you have, the number of total emails you send per month, and the email platform you use.

These strategies associated with relevant content can achieve good results for companies. Unlike to what happens in social media, in there is a base of subscribers who are already interested in the subjects sent by companies. They can choose whether or not to open and read the emails. There are numerous advantages associated with email marketing. When harnessed correctly, it can leverage sales, create new consumers and assist in their retention.

Email Marketing Roi

  • There are numerous advantages associated with email marketing.
  • These strategies associated with relevant content can achieve good results for companies.
  • Unlike to what happens in social media, in email marketing there is a base of subscribers who are already interested in the subjects sent by companies.
  • They can choose whether or not to open and read the emails.

email marketing

As a result, email marketing remains one of the most effective methods of getting your content in front of the people who want it most. Also, you can use your email marketing program to resend your emails to subscribers who did not open them the first time.

email marketing

Benefits Of Emailing Marketing Software

Most of us have an attachment to our mail with well over 99% checking our mail daily. There are those of us that check it as much as 20 times a day thanks to the rise of mobile platforms that make access super easy. Over half of us heck the mail first before doing anything online.